Mittwoch, 31. August 2016

Czernowitz and surroundings - Austrian Military map

In the Digital Collections of NY Public Library surfaced this interesting Military map, edited around 1912 by k. u. k.  Militärgeographisches Institut, the cartographic branch of Austrias Imperial and Royal army.


Sonntag, 28. August 2016

Bukovina and Bukovinians after the Second World War

Flyer SmallFlyer Small1

Read more at:

[caption id="attachment_9498" align="aligncenter" width="540"]hed 9.6.13 006 Gaëlle Fisher and Hedwig Brenner in Haifa in 2013[/caption]

Montag, 20. Juni 2016

Bearing Witness: Paula Neuman Gris

Bearing Witness: Paula Neuman Gris from The Breman Museum on Vimeo.

Remarkable Stories from the Holocaust

With her mother performing backbreaking labor for the Nazis in the rock quarries of Transnistria, Paula Neuman Gris was the sole caretaker of her baby sister. Barely older than a toddler herself, Paula had to use her own smarts and spirited nature to survive. Experience Paula’s incredible story of determination at the Breman’s Bearing Witness, Jan. 17, 2016.

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

Emunah Czernowitz - "Heimkehr" Essays jüdischer Denker

Another of the Jewish fraternities was "Emunah".  On June 3, 1903, the Jewish National Academic Reading Society was “thrown open,” with the club colors gold-violet-gold. "Emunah" was highly active in the field of Zionism - a  characteristic for all the Jewish fraternities -  and also set up a library open to the public. Furthermore, "Emunahs" intellectual athmosphere culminated in publishing several books. To mention is especially "Heimkehr. Essays jüdischer Denker"  with a preface by Leon Kellner. (Homecoming. Essays of Jewish Thinkers). This anthology contains contributions by notable Jewish authors like Balaban Majer, Nathan Birnbaum (who coined the term "Zionism"), Max Rosenfeld, Salomon Schiller and Leon Kellner. It came out 1912 and is now available online via the university library of Frankfurt:


JNAV Heatid Czernowitz

Hi all, i am currently worlking on a Research paper on Czernowitz Jewish academic fraternities. With "Hasmonäa", founded 1891 by members of the Viennese "Kadimah", this new type of Jewish academic fraternity appeared in Czernowitz and found successors throughout the German-speaking Universities. The Jewish academic fraternities were modeled after the traditional type of "Studentenverbindung", that existed in Czernowitz from 1875-1938/40. The members of the various "frats" distinguished themselves by wearing ribbons and caps showing the club colors of their fraternity. In the Romanian period the University organisation was changed to the "college System" and members of the fraternities were issued membership cards. here i have got one issued by JNAV "Heatid" for Josef Stark in 1922. "Heatid" came into being in 1918/19 and existed until 1936. Its club colors used to be green-silver-black shown in the ribbons with white caps. Any further information on "Heatid", Josef Stark or any of the Czernowitz fraternities - especially photographs - would be highly appreciated. Thank You!Heatid_Cz0001

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

At the Jewish Cemetery of Sadagora



"Bukovina is in every sense a paradox. Everything is upside down here. It almost seems as if this topsy-turvy element had to belong to the nature of this land, as if its character was to consist of this. Everyone feels that Bukovina is something special, not to be put on a level with the other crownlands and that its cultural ties also have a certain nuance of their own,  something different from the ordinary. Yet, they only feel. What this character is, however, very few have so far attempted to fathom."

This is a citation of Dr. Max Rosenberg from Czernowitz from the year 1914, preposed by H. F. van Drunen to his thesis "'A Sanguine Bunch' - Regional Identification in Habsburg Bukovina, 1774-1919" (Book of the Month, January 2015):

One year later, in 2015, under the impression of the devastations caused during the Russian occupation, Dr. Max Rosenberg is visiting the Jewish Cemetery of Sadagora and his impressive report - see above - was published by the prestigious "Pester Lloyd" from Budapest on April 20, 1915:

Auf dem Judenfriedhof von Sadagora. Von Dr. Max Rosenberg (Czernowitz).

Am nördlichen Ende Sadagoras, in der Ecke einer weiten Wiese, ein kleiner, früher umfriedet gewesener Platz. Drinnen die charakteristischen weißen Steine, dicht nebeneinander gestellt, wie betende Juden gegen Osten gewendet. Es ist der Judenfriedhof Sadagoras. Ganz still liegt er jetzt da. Wer ihn betritt, hat aber das Gefühl, als ob jedes Stückchen aufgeworfenen Lehms gar manches erzählen könnte. Viel hat dieser abgeschiedene  Ort in der letzten Zeit erdulden müssen. Südlich vom Friedhof liegt das jüdische Städtchen mit seinen niedrigen, von Schindeldächern bedeckten Häusern und den engen winkeligen Straßen. Dort haben die Russen, als sie hier Herren waren, gewütet. Dieser kleine, tote, stille Judenfriedhof gewährt den Eindruck, als wollte er all das wieder erzählen, was der kleine Judenort da unten gelitten.

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

Death Certificates Issued by the Czernowitz Jewish Hospital for the Year 1915!36965&authkey=!APjY6IZK26Ojg8Q&ithint=folder%2cjpg

Excerpt from the article "On the history of the Jews in Czernowitz" by Prof. Dr. Herman Sternberg: "During the war years, Czernowitz could hardly be recognized. People frightened and weighed down with troubles, hurried like shadows through the streets. Military uniforms dominated the cityscape. Officers and tired soldiers were on their way to or from the railroad station. The station building, heated in winter had become a dormitory. Soldiers slept on the floor pressed closely together, leaving no space free. Anyone seeking the entrance had to step over them. The closer the war came to its end, the greater became the lack of food and other necessities. The most difficult articles to obtain were fuel and foot wear. Prices rose from day to day. The greatly reduced Jewish population suffered indescribable difficulties. Intellectual life had died completely. After the fall of darkness, all traffic ceased because the street lights didn't work. Families generally restricted themselves to one room, dimly lit with an oil lamp. The only topic of conversation was the war and its consequences."

Courtesy: Jewish Genealogical Society Of Ottawa

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Lehmann Online


One of the major digitization projects for the Vienna City Library, located on the 1st floor of the Vienna City Hall since the building's completion in 1883, covers Lehmann's Address Books for Vienna between 1859-1942. Once the project has been completed in 2011, about 200,000 pages became available for researchers. Keeping in mind that many Czernowitzers escaped to Vienna during WW1, this online database is an important resource both for genealogists and historians focussed on Bukovina. Click on the logo below in order to research the annual volumes between 1859-1942!


You don't need to read German for your research. Look (1.) for the period of time. Scroll down (2.) to the requested year. Check (3.) the volume(s) displayed for the subsection "Namenverzeichnis" [catalogue of names] and refine your search accordingly. Enjoy (4.) the results of your research!

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2016

The Dreamed Ones,pk-cover-e

The themes of love and hate are depicted in the movie DIE GETRÄUMTEN (The Dreamed Ones). At center stage are the two poets Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, who came to know each other in post-war Vienna. Their dramatic postal exchange creates the textual basis of the film. Two young actors meet in a recording studio to read the letters. The tumultuous emotions of proximity and distance, fascination and fear captivate them. However they also enjoy each otherʼs company, arguing, smoking, discussing their tattoos and favourite music. Yesterdays love, todays love and tomorrows: where the lines are blurred lies the heart of the film.

Read more at:

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

The Mysterious House of Radauti

12970268_10209113862500693_2083153153_o 12947014_10209113862620696_714101614_o 12959307_10209113862580695_846798231_oDear all, I'm looking for few details about a house in Radauti. Only few things I discover. The house is on Kirchengasse street in Radauti. In 1938 used to live in that house 2 families, Rebeka the daughter of Joel David and Puskas Postilniuk. Since 1959 once the colectivization settle in Romania, the house was in the state property as a part of agricuture minister. Maybe someone knows the person, or maybe the house. We are working on a project which include the rehabilitation of the house and transforming it into a museum, The Minorities Museum From Bucovina. Alexandra Nichitean

Please come back with details to:

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016

Czernowitz in the Year 2010 - A Prophecy by Dr. Jakob Flinker



[...] The Comet Tempel-Tuttle and the Leonid asteroid showers were visible from earth in 1866. They appeared just after writing my ‘Prophecy’ which was also the time people were fighting and dying in the Austro – Prussian war. But war sagas are not relevant to describing this city. This city is called Czernowitz and the year is 2010. What will Czernowitz look like in the next Millennium? If my views have any truth, we must move forward, not backwards and imagine that our city of the future will have water mains, good drainage, electric lighting and will look like as follows in the year 2010. Join me with my prophetic thoughts.

It is 10 May 2010 and 5 clock in the morning. The Graubart House and Beck's Real Estates have gone. The Town Hall next to it now has an empty space on one side. It is springtime and a gorgeous fountain splashes its crystal clear water onto highly decorated metallic bowls, surrounded by beautiful fragrant gardens. Peace and tranquility prevail, the streets are much wider, the old buildings on the main square have disappeared, and well-appointed new structures fill the spaces where there were once narrow streets. Trams travel up and down these widened thoroughfares. This is a busy place, the streets are filled with people and there are many fabulous large new buildings, but I go further. In the main square, Elisabeth Square, buildings are made entirely out of glass. One of them contains a huge pool, where live fish swirl. Plantings of beautiful fragrant gardens are laid out in between. Gleaming roof tops are covered in bronze and shine Zen like in the May sunshine. Always lively is the bustle of people in our city. School children from the local school run fast because it is nearly 8 clock in the morning. This is happening in of all places, Austria! What a glorious sight! In the middle of all this, is a park, with another fountain, an example of splendid contemporary art, as well as modern houses built in modern-day designs, elegant and beautifully finished in glistening bronze. One historic monument standing silently and respectfully is the old courthouse, remembering that Law and Justice at all times should be the foundation of humanity.

For me the best part of any future construction in the next Millenium, is the Cecina Gasse which consists of a small bridge with a road reaching to the summit of Mount Cecina in the nearby Carpathians. Electrified railways go backwards and forwards carrying thousands of people. The route is only 5 kilometers long. I get into a car and within a few minutes reach the summit. Beautiful villas sit side by side, built in rustic style. An energy is found up here, fabulous restaurants and bands are playing, making everyone happy all breathing the freshest forest and mountain air, with wonderful wide vistas far into the distance. Life here is full of excitement and anticipation. Cecina now a city, is a splendid sight with its sunlit buildings and tall tower blocks. One brand new invention of the new millennium delights many admirers. There is a small cottage which has cameras and telephone devices so the inhabitants can use these between towns. People are able to see and speak to each other at the same time. I am lost in this world of the future! [...]

[caption id="attachment_9340" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Dr. Jakob Flinker[/caption]

Courtesy: Jill Rothwell/Bieder • Read more at: Jill Rothwell's Family Connection to Czernowitz

Dienstag, 19. April 2016

A Photo From Long Ago


Gabriele Weißmann: "Papa (note the almost obligatory sailor's costume - Matrosenanzug) and his cousin from Lemberg who was later deported to Auschwitz with her family, never to return.

Samstag, 2. April 2016

Happy Birthday, Edgar Hilsenrath!

goodreads: Edgar Hilsenrath (born [April 2] 1926) is a German-Jewish writer living in Berlin. His main works are Night, The Nazi and the Barber, and The Story of the Last Thought.

Hilsenrath was born in Leipzig. In 1938 his mother escaped with her two children to Siret (Sereth), in Romanian Bukovina, where they enjoyed a respite from persecution. At the time that he should have received an entrance card to higher education, he and his mother were interned in the ghetto of Cernăuţi (Czernowitz).

He began to write about the Holocaust after his liberation when he moved to Paris. Hilsenrath also lived in Palestine, Israel, and New York.

According to Dagmar C. G. Lorenz, Simon Wiesenthal Center, "Hilsenrath calls things by their proper names and portrays life first and foremost as physical existence, of whose details the reader is constantly made aware: birth, nursing, feeding, sex, and excretion accompanied by feelings of pleasure and pain. The rhetoric of politicians and political theory are shown to be the schemes of beings ultimately dependent on these bodily processes and subject to physical desires. Hilsenrath's very approach is a protest against disrespect toward the mortal body, against the tyranny of the mind over matter."

Donnerstag, 24. März 2016

Sidy Dankner - Another Beauty from Czernowitz?

czernowitz-dankner-sidy-f-1929.06.16-1Steve Lasky (Museum of Family History): This one was taken from the Forverts of June 16, 1929. No other information. The photo came from the pictorial page entitled, “Old Beauty and Charm Contest.” The contest was contested by the Forverts. Her name was Sidy Dankner. I wonder whether anyone knows this family…..

Sonntag, 20. März 2016

Bertha Fogel of Czernowitz

[caption id="attachment_9277" align="aligncenter" width="498"]czernowitz-fogel-bertha-f-1926.09.26-1 From the Forverts, New York, N.Y., of September 26, 1926[/caption]

Courtesy: Steve Lasky • Museum of Family History

Samstag, 19. März 2016

Emperor Charles of Austria in Czernowitz as per The New York Times, November 25, 1917 Edition


The Liberation of Bukovina - The Capture of Czernowitz (1917)

General Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli at his command post; briefing with Austrian officers at the map table [00:10]; destroyed bridges over the Pruth before Czernowitz [02:11]; Austrian troops bivouac on the banks of the Pruth [03:04]; horsepond [03:49]; Czernowitz after being taken on 3rd August 1917: burning railway station building and burning crossties [04:37]; destroyed dome of the railway station [05:50]; ruins of houses [06:23]; the fire brigade extinguishing flames [07:14]; children in the city streets [07:25]; Austrian troops march past Archduke Franz Joseph on 4th August 1917 in Czernowitz [07:42].

Source: EFG european film gateway &

Dienstag, 15. März 2016

In Search of the Synagogue of Boian in Bukovina

0616 Bojan 080Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-15 um 14.42.35Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-15 um 14.42.17Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-15 um 15.05.27

Florin Dyrda from Boian, a graduate of the Chernivtsi National Yuri Fedkovych University both in history as well as in computer systems and networks, is the creator/webmaster for a huge number of websites related to the history of Boian. A couple of days ago Florin drew our attention to his posting (in Romanian laguage) on the former Synagogue of Boian, erected at the end of 19th century and destroyed by the Russian Cossacks during WW1. Florin's fine investigative skills led to this detective work:

In addition a list of Jews from Boian, compiled by Prof. Vasile Bizovi, is available at the site above and can be downloaded by clicking here. No doubt about, Florin's perception of history is from a Romanian angle of view, but his websites focussed on history, churches/synagogies, schools, traditions, today's life, photos, videos and events offer a wealth of material around Boian. Don't miss Florin's links/websites:

Boian Map Room:
Museum of Boian in Alberta/Canada (English):
Bukovina Open Air Museum (English):

Samstag, 12. März 2016

The Osias "Shike" Stenzler Radautz Booklet

12805912_679551522147474_7557979001004403582_n KopieFreeDownloadOriginal

"The Osias 'Shike' Stenzler Radautz Booklet" is a unique document compiled by Osias Stenzler over about three decades until his death in the year 2008 at the age of 99 years. His memory, unlike his eyesight, never faded, even at an advanced age. After the loss of vision, Osias' sons Daniel and Bondy kept his records from dictation and so we have the rare opportunity to discover a real treasure chest making alive the Jewish life in post WW2 Radautz. The booklet is headlined "Occupations and Professions Practiced by the Jewish Population of Radautz", but beyond the long list of names it contains authentic notes and remarks on the Radautz Jewish community.
