Some words are not entirely clear to me, but the message is.
ב"ה. בעזרת השם
לרגל התפטרות הקונסולט בצרנוביץ של ציר מדינה טשילע, מוצא אני את עצמי מחויב לרשום בכתב הודעות אחדות על עודות (אודות) פעולתו המוצלחה (המוצלחת) של --- הקונסול ד"ר שוואנאוויטש.
פעולתו התחילה בעת התכוננות בגטו בצרנוביץ בחודש אוקטובר 1941. הודות לעמלו --- --- מרצה בבוקרשט ובצרנוביץ, ניצולו קרוב לשמונה מאות יהודים נתוני פולין מצרת הגירוש לטרנסניסטריא.
במקרים שונים עבד ופעל לטובת יהודי עירנו נתיני פולין.
--- על --- הוא אשר בחודש יוני 1942 בעת הגירושים לטטרנסינטריא הודות לעמלו נצול (ניצול) מספר מסוים מן היהודים נתיני פולין ברגע האחרון אחרי אשר כבר נלקחו מבתיהם והובלו בין המגורשים.
בתור רב ראשי ומנהל רוחני של עדת היהודים בצרנוביץ ובתור נתין פולין, מרגיש אני את הצורך להביע בזה להד"ר (לד"ר) שוואנאוויטש את תודתי העמוקה.
צרנוביץ 29/4 1943.
With the help of God (God willing)
On the occasion of his resignation from the Chilean Consulate of Czernowitz, I find myself obliged to register in a few posts and certify (about) the successful operation of …….Consul Dr. Szymonowicz. His activity started at the time of preparations in the Ghetto operation in October 1941 in Czernovitz. Thanks to his work the --- --- presence in Bucharest and Czernovitz, of almost eight hundred Jews with Polish citizenship were saved from the misfortune of deportation to Transnistria . On various occasions he worked and acted for the benefit of Jewish Polish nationals of our town. --- The --- is that in June 1942 at the time of depotations to Transnistria thanks to his toil a certain number of Jews nationals of Poland were saved in the last minute after they had been taken from their homes and brought to be deported together with other deportees. As chief rabbi and spiritual leader of the Jewish Community of Czernovitz and as a citizen of Poland, I feel the need to express to Dr. Szymonowicz my profound gratitude. Czernowitz 29/4 1943.
On the occasion of his resignation from the Chilean Consulate of Czernowitz, I find myself obliged to register in a few posts and certify (about) the successful operation of …….Consul Dr. Szymonowicz. His activity started at the time of preparations in the Ghetto operation in October 1941 in Czernovitz. Thanks to his work the --- --- presence in Bucharest and Czernovitz, of almost eight hundred Jews with Polish citizenship were saved from the misfortune of deportation to Transnistria . On various occasions he worked and acted for the benefit of Jewish Polish nationals of our town. --- The --- is that in June 1942 at the time of depotations to Transnistria thanks to his toil a certain number of Jews nationals of Poland were saved in the last minute after they had been taken from their homes and brought to be deported together with other deportees. As chief rabbi and spiritual leader of the Jewish Community of Czernovitz and as a citizen of Poland, I feel the need to express to Dr. Szymonowicz my profound gratitude. Czernowitz 29/4 1943.
Some words are not entirely clear to me, but the message is.
AntwortenLöschenב"ה. בעזרת השם
לרגל התפטרות הקונסולט בצרנוביץ של ציר מדינה טשילע, מוצא אני את עצמי מחויב לרשום בכתב הודעות אחדות על עודות (אודות) פעולתו המוצלחה (המוצלחת) של --- הקונסול ד"ר שוואנאוויטש.
פעולתו התחילה בעת התכוננות בגטו בצרנוביץ בחודש אוקטובר 1941. הודות לעמלו --- --- מרצה בבוקרשט ובצרנוביץ, ניצולו קרוב לשמונה מאות יהודים נתוני פולין מצרת הגירוש לטרנסניסטריא.
במקרים שונים עבד ופעל לטובת יהודי עירנו נתיני פולין.
--- על --- הוא אשר בחודש יוני 1942 בעת הגירושים לטטרנסינטריא הודות לעמלו נצול (ניצול) מספר מסוים מן היהודים נתיני פולין ברגע האחרון אחרי אשר כבר נלקחו מבתיהם והובלו בין המגורשים.
בתור רב ראשי ומנהל רוחני של עדת היהודים בצרנוביץ ובתור נתין פולין, מרגיש אני את הצורך להביע בזה להד"ר (לד"ר) שוואנאוויטש את תודתי העמוקה.
צרנוביץ 29/4 1943.
With the help of God (God willing)
On the occasion of his resignation from the Chilean Consulate of Czernowitz, I find myself obliged to register in a few posts and certify (about) the successful operation of …….Consul Dr. Szymonowicz.
His activity started at the time of preparations in the Ghetto operation in October 1941 in Czernovitz. Thanks to his work the --- --- presence in Bucharest and Czernovitz, of almost eight hundred Jews with Polish citizenship were saved from the misfortune of deportation to Transnistria .
On various occasions he worked and acted for the benefit of Jewish Polish nationals of our town.
--- The --- is that in June 1942 at the time of depotations to Transnistria thanks to his toil a certain number of Jews nationals of Poland were saved in the last minute after they had been taken from their homes and brought to be deported together with other deportees.
As chief rabbi and spiritual leader of the Jewish Community of Czernovitz and as a citizen of Poland, I feel the need to express to Dr. Szymonowicz my profound gratitude.
Czernowitz 29/4 1943.
More or less this is the message:
AntwortenLöschenWith the help of God (God willing)
On the occasion of his resignation from the Chilean Consulate of Czernowitz, I find myself obliged to register in a few posts and certify (about) the successful operation of …….Consul Dr. Szymonowicz.
His activity started at the time of preparations in the Ghetto operation in October 1941 in Czernovitz. Thanks to his work the --- --- presence in Bucharest and Czernovitz, of almost eight hundred Jews with Polish citizenship were saved from the misfortune of deportation to Transnistria .
On various occasions he worked and acted for the benefit of Jewish Polish nationals of our town.
--- The --- is that in June 1942 at the time of depotations to Transnistria thanks to his toil a certain number of Jews nationals of Poland were saved in the last minute after they had been taken from their homes and brought to be deported together with other deportees.
As chief rabbi and spiritual leader of the Jewish Community of Czernovitz and as a citizen of Poland, I feel the need to express to Dr. Szymonowicz my profound gratitude.
Czernowitz 29/4 1943.