Donnerstag, 3. März 2016

Bukovina History Conference - at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Thank you Irene Fishler for supplying a Hebrew language brochure (below) describing the conference coming up on March 15, 2016. The organizer's contact information may be found a the bottom of this page:

Dr. Ronit Fischer
Center for Jewish History


Bukowina_Mar2016 Bukowina_Mart2016_HUJ


We are honored to invite you to a convention entitled:

Society and History of Bukovina
The "Multi-Kulti" district of Rumania
March 15, 2016
Room 15, Meyersdorf building
Mount Scopus

9:00-9:30 coming together and refreshments
9:30-10:00 greetings

  • Professor Uzi Rebhun, Director of the Center for Research on Romanian Jewry

  • Mrs. Andreea PăstârnacAmbasador of Rumania in Israel

  • Professor Dror Wahrman, Dean of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • Mr. Micha Harish, Chairman of the AMIR organization.

  • Dr. Sa'ar Pauker, representative of the Pauker family.

10:00-11:15 First Session
Bukovina as a Symbol for Multi-Culturalism
Chairman: Professor Daniel Blattman Hebrew University

  • The Jews of Bukovina as a symbol for Romanian heterogeneity in the inter-war period
    Dr. Ronit Fischer, Hebrew and Haifa Universities.

  • To describe and imagine Czernowitz - Professor Ya'avetz and his town.
    Dr. Rafael Vago, Tel Aviv University

  • Back to Czernowitz, a paradox of memory and nostalgia - a historic-anthropologic approach.
    Dr. Florence Heyman, The French Research Center in Jerusalem. (CNRS-NAE).

11:45 - 13:30 Second Session
A Small District - Many Worlds of Multi-Cultural Creativity
Chairman: Dr. Amos Goldberg Hebrew University

  • What happens to the multicultural character of Bukovina after the holocaust? Paul Celan Dan Pagis, and Aharon Appelfeld. Sidra de Koven-Ezrahi, The Hebrew University.

  • The Jewish theater of Czernowitz during the transition between Romania and the Soviet Union.
    Ms. Dafne Dolinko The Hebrew University and Yad Va'Shem.

  • "My Bukowiner". The writer Nava Semel returns to the lives of her grand parents and to the place where her family originated.

Organizer: Dr. Ronit Fischer

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